22nd Women in Business Conference
Coding heart into the economy
Coding heart into the economy
Turning empathy into innovation
To find a way forward in these unpredictable and volatile times, it is not enough to know. We need also to feel and listen.
Today, the most powerful brands are turning empathy into innovation and human connection and authenticity into growth. They’re putting human experience first; they’re knitting humanity into every aspect of business, from product design and marketing to management and workplace culture. And they’re seeing this new respect for human needs reflected in rocketing bottom lines.
With the theme, Coding Heart into the Economy, this year’s UCT Graduate School of Business’s annual Women in Business Conference
will be unpacking this seismic shift towards human-centred business and exploring the benefits of turning empathy into innovation.

Event Information
Join other business leaders for a range of discussions led by masters of industry, powerful businesswomen, world-class academics, and thought leaders. Learn how design thinking and strategy enable agility. Understand the intricate and nuanced relationship that exists between a business and its customers. Adopt fresh tools for listening to customer and employee needs. Drive innovation by asking human-centric questions.
For all the uncertainty out there, one thing is becoming crystal clear: brands that ignore the human experience are brands humans ignore.