Prof Sean Gossel

Prof Sean Gossel

Financial Economics, Financial Globalization, Development Finance

POSITION: Deputy Director : Curriculum
QUALIFICATIONS: PhD (University of Cape Town), MBA, Cert.(IFA)
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Prof Sean Joss Gossel

Professor Sean Gossel is the Deputy Director: Curriculum at the UCT GSB. His teaching and research expertise lies in the areas of financial economics and financial globalisation. He lectures Public Sector Finance, on the MCom (Development Finance) programme, Macroeconomics on the EMBA, and the Emerging Markets Economic Development elective on the MBA programme. His lectures seek to position finance and macroeconomics in a historical, emerging market, and financial globalization context. This focus carries over into his research and supervision.

Sean’s research has followed two related strands. The first focusses on the intersection between FDI and democratization in Sub-Saharan Africa while the second arises from student supervision and investigates topics relating to Sub-Saharan Africa’s financial economic development. To date Sean has published 21 articles in highly ranked international journals and a chapter in an internationally published book. He is currently working on four journal articles and completing a book on FDI in Sub-Saharan Africa. Sean is also a peer reviewer for over 50 international journals, an external examiner for master’s and PhD theses, and regularly writes opinion pieces for the popular press.