Prof Kosheek Sewchurran

Prof Kosheek Sewchurran

Leadership-as-Practice | Strategy-as-Practice | Philosophy of Practice

POSITION: Associate Professor
QUALIFICATIONS: PhD (University of Cape Town), MSc, BSc Honours, BSc
CVPublicationsSend mail

Prof Kosheek Sewchurran

Professor Kosheek Sewchurran is primarily interested in organising practices and research that acknowledge the realities of a lived-experience.  This scholarship finds expression in the conversation he convenes related to Business Model Innovation, Strategy-as-practice and Leadership-as-practice.

Before he joined the UCT GSB, he was Assoc Prof and HOD of the Department of Information Systems at UCT's Faculty of Commerce. Prior to entering academia, he spent a little over a decade on manufacturing projects, working as a Systems Engineer optimising plant automation and designing and implementing enterprise information systems.

Sewchurran holds a doctorate in Project Organising (PhD) from UCT; a Master of Science in Systems Thinking (MSc) from UKZN; a Bachelor of Science Honours in Computer Science (CompSci) from UKZN; and a Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering and Operations Research (BSc) from UNISA. 


Journals - Peer-reviewed (14)

Baets, W., Oldenboom, E., & Sewchurran, K. (2016). Towards the measurement of organisational consciousness. International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management, 3(1-2), 1-21.

Sewchurran, K., & McDonogh, J. (2015). The phenomenon of being-in-management in executive education programmes-An integrative view. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, 7(2), 75-88.

Noruwana, N., Twum-Darko, M., & Sewchurran, K. (2015). Theoretical interpretation of e-government implementation challenges in South Africa: A case study of selected provincial government. Journal of Governance and Regulation, 4(1), 175-185

Schörger, D., & Sewchurran, K. (2015). Towards an interpretive measurement framework to assess the levels of integrated and integrative thinking within organisations. Risk Governance and Control : Financial Markets, 5(3), 44-66

Harry, R., Sewchurran, K., & Brown, I. (2014). Introducing a Mobile Payment System to an Emerging Economy's Mobile Phone Subscriber Market. An Actor Network Perspective. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 62(4), 1-26

Mpazanje, F., Sewchurran, K., & Brown, I. (2013). Rethinking Information Systems Projects using Actor-Network Theory-Perspectives from a Developing Country. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 58(7), 1-32

Utulu, S., Sewchurran, K., & Dwolatzky, B. (2013). Systematic and grounded theory literature reviews of software process improvement phenomena: Implications for IS research. Proceedings of the Informing Science and Information Technology Education Conference, 2013(1), 249-279.

Sewchurran, K., & Sewchurran, E. (2011). Exploring developmental and community informatics. International Journal of African Renaissance Studies-Multi-, Inter-and Transdisciplinarity, 6(1), 94-106.

Kroeze, J. H., Lotriet, H. H., Mavetera, N., Pfaff, M. S., Postma, D. J., Sewchurran, K., & Topi, H. (2011). ECIS 2010 Panel Report: Humanities-Enriched Information Systems. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 28(24), 373-392.

Sewchurran, K., Smith, D., & Roode, D. (2010). Toward a regional ontology for information systems project management. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 3(4), 681-692.

Sewchurran, K. (2008). Toward an approach to create self-organizing and reflexive information systems project practitioners. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 1(3), 316-333.

Sewchurran, K., & Barron, M. (2008). An investigation into successfully managing and sustaining the project sponsor-project manager relationship using soft systems methodology. Project Management Journal, 39(S1), S56-S68.

Muganda, N.O., Sewchurran, K., Ndlovu, M. & Pillay, A. (2008). Application of the knowledge management success paradigm in South Africa.  Communications of the International Business Information Management Association Journal, 1(3), 122-132.

Sewchurran, K., & Petkov, D. (2007). A systemic framework for business process modeling combining soft systems methodology and UML. Information Resources Management Journal, 20(3), 46.

Book chapters - peer reviewed (5)

Utulu, S. C. A., & Sewchurran, K. (2013). Designing E-Government Platforms using Systems Thinking Perspectives and Performance Measurement Frameworks. In Technology Development and Platform Enhancements for Successful Global E-Government Design (pp. 97-107). IGI Global - Information Science Research, USA.

Petkov, D., Petkova, O., Sewchurran, K., Andrew, T., & Misra, R. (2012). The work system method as an approach for teaching and researching information systems. In Information Systems Theory (pp. 413-424). Springer New York.

Petkov, D., Alter, S., Wing, J., Singh, A., Petkova, O., Andrew, T., & Sewchurran, K. (2012). Project contexts and the possibilities for mixing software development and systems approaches. In Research Methodologies in Systems/Software Engineering and Information Systems: Philosophies, Methods and Innovations, 360-375. USA: IGI Global.

Sewchurran, K., & Brown, I. (2011). Toward an approach to generate forward-looking theories using systems concepts. In Researching the future in information systems (pp. 11-26). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.

Sewchurran, K., & Petkov, D. (2009). Mixing Soft Systems Methodology and UML in Business Process Modeling. In Best Practices and Conceptual Innovations in Information Resources Management: Utilizing Technologies to Enable Global Progression (pp82-102). USA: IGI Global.

Conference papers and proceedings - peer reviewed (24)

Baets, W., Oldenboom, E., & Sewchurran, K. (2015, April). The excellence leap: What makes successful organisations tick? Towards the measurement of organisational consciousness.  Paper presented at the Spirituality & Creativity in Management World Congress, Esade Business School, Barcelona, Spain.

Mwalemba, G., Sewchurran, K., & Ajumobi, D. O. (2015). Software industry of an emerging economy: A case of the Western Cape, South Africa. In Proceedings of the African Conference on information Systems and Technology (ACIST). Accra.

Schoerger, D., & Sewchurran, K. (2015). Towards an interpretive measurement framework to assess the levels of integrated and integrative thinking within organisations. Paper presented at the 12th annual African Finance Journal Conference, Conference Theme - Innovative Research Trends in Accounting, Finance and Economics for Emerging Markets Development,President Hotel, Bantry Bay, Cape Town, South Africa.

Noruwana, N., Twum-Darko, M., & Sewchurran, K.  (2014, December). E-government implementation in South Africa: A perspective of Actor Network Theory. 5th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS-2014) held at Hotel Rainbow Paradise, Penang, Malaysia on December 13-14, 2014.

Singh, A., & Sewchurran, K. (2014). An activity theory view of management practices within a Scrum software development environment. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS-2014), Durban, South Africa.

Harry, R., Sewchurran, K., & Brown, I. (2013, May). The impact of introducing a mobile payment system to an emerging economy's mobile phone subscriber market. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries: Into the Future: Themes, insights and agendas for ICT4D research and practice; Ocho Rios Jamaica, IFIP Working Group 9.4.

Singh, A., & Sewchurran, K. (2013). Towards improved understanding of learning practices used in Scrum software development projects. Paper presented at the Joint International Conference on Engineering Education and Research and International Conference Information Technology, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town.

Baets, W., Oldenboom, E., & Sewchurran, K. (2012, May). Magic and miracles in management - The role of consciousness. Paper presented at the 3RD Conference of Management, Spirituality & Religion, Lourdes, France.

Phillips, C., Sewchurran, K., & Schuler, J. (2012, April). Business process modelling benefits realization - A South African case study. In International Conference on Information Management and Evaluation (p. 235). Academic Conferences International Limited.

Makhoalibe, P., & Sewchurran, K. (2012, March). Applying creative project management -A study of ICT projects in a humanities faculty in South Africa. In International Technology, Education and Development Conference proceedings (pp.3256-3265). Paper presented at the 6th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Valencia, Spain, INTED.

Sewchurran, K., Mwalemba, G., De la Harpe, A., & McKinnell, J. (2012, May). Making sense of the IT/IS industry to enable better business enablement and competitiveness: A case-study of the Western Cape in South Africa. In  Software Engineering Colloquium (SE), 2012 4thPaper presented at the 4th IEEE Software Engineering Colloquium: Made in Africa, Cape Town (pp. 18-20). Cape Town, IEEE.

Rahimi, S. R., Beer, C. D., & Sewchurran, K. (2012). The conceptual difficulties in implementing e-Learning in post-Apartheid South Africa. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2(6), 615-.

Sewchurran, K. & "?Adriaanse, Z. & Utulu, S. (2012). An appraisal of social network media use for online group-buying in South Africa. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 68, pp. 698-1710.

Kroeze, J., Lotriet, H., Mavetera, N., Pfaff,M., Postma, D., Sewchurran, K., & Topi, H. (2010). Humanities-enriched information systems - Panel Discussion, 18th European Conference in Information Systems (ECIS2010), University of Pretoria, June  2010. [ISBN: 978-0-620-47172-5]

Petkov, D., Alter, S., Sewchurran, K., & Brown, I. (2010). Systems thinking enabling IT to empower - Current research. 18th European Conference in Information Systems (ECIS2010), University of Pretoria, June  2010.  [ISBN: 978-0-620-47172-5]

Sewchurran, K., Namwilla, M., & Rakubutu, T. (2010, June). Exploring the development of Project Management competency amongst IS Professionals, Paper presented at the South African Computer Lecturers Association 2010 Conference, Zebra Country Lodge, Pretoria, South Africa. SACLA. [ISBN 978-0-620-47173-2]

Sewchurran, K. & Scott, E.C. (2009). Learning and making sense of project phenomena in information systems education, The 2nd International Conference on Interaction Sciences: Information Technology, Culture and Human, November 24-26, Seoul, Korea. ACM proceeding [ISBN: 978-1-60558-710-3]

Sewchurran, K. (2009). Toward principles to appreciate, explore and interrogate the future of the Internet in Africa and the likely impact on human development, 3rd International Development Informatics (IDIA) Conference, October 2009 Kruger National Park South Africa. [ISBN 978-0-620-45037-9]

Scott, E.C. & Sewchurran, K. (2008). Reflection-in-action: Using experience to reconstruct meaning in a learning environment. International Conference on Information Technology in Education (CITE2008), December 12-14, Wuhan, China.

Ochara, N., Sewchurran, K., Ndlovu, M., & Pillay, A. (2008). Assessing the application of the knowledge management success paradigm in South Africa. Proceedings of the 10th International Business Information Management Conference (IBIMA), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [ISBN 0-9753393-9-7]

Scott, E.C., Sewchurran, K. & van der Merwe, N. (2008). Windows to the real world. A comparison of IS project management student learning. 2nd European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation, (pp. 393- 402), September 2008. Royal Holloway, University of London, UK. [ISBN 978-1-906638-13-9]

Mpazanje, F., Brown, I., & Sewchurran, K. (2008). The impact of PMBoK® tools, techniques and complementary factors on information systems project success. In 2nd European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation, London, UK.

Sewchurran, K. (2007). Recovering student misunderstanding about agile development Practices. In E. Cohen (eds), Proceedings of the Computer Science & IT Education Conference (CSITEd2007), 16-18 November 2007. University of Technology, Mauritius. Mauritius: Informing Science Press. [ISBN 978-99903-8747-6]

Sewchurran, K., Eccles, M., & Scott, E. (2006). Teaching software development to information systems majors using an action research Process. 36th Annual SACLA conference, Somerset West, Western Cape. [ISBN: 0-620-36150-6]


Sewchurran, K.  (2011). Explaining as-lived project practice for Information Systems projects.  Lambert Academic Publishing, Netherlands.

Mpazanje. F., & Sewchurran, K. (2011). An ANT perspective of the as-lived experiences in IS projects: Towards understanding as-lived experiences in Information Systems projects: An Actor-network Theory perspective. Lambert Academic Publishing, Netherlands.

Forthcoming work

Forthcoming journal articles

Sewchurran, K. Philipp, F., Baets, W., and McDonogh, J. (forthcoming). Could more thoughtful practice of Complexity, Design Thinking and Values-Based Organizing address some of the limitations of current management and organizing paradigms? International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management, forthcoming

Forthcoming book chapters

Sewchurran, K., Masuku, S., Steyn, K., Bedford, J., & Sangham, M. (forthcoming). Political economy of process innovations: Sustainability and compliance of Capability Maturity Model Index in a South African context. In V. Gumede (Ed.), Perspectives on Thought Leadership for Africa's Renewal, Africa Institute of South Africa.

Forthcoming conference papers and presentations

Mwalemba, G., Sewchurran, K., & Gopaul, A. R. (forthcoming). A Systemic View of South Africa' s Software Industry. In International Conference On Information Resources Management (CONF-IRM). Cape Town

Sewchurran, K., Randles, S.,  Roobeek, A., Boradkar, P., Pansera M (forthcoming)  "Scholarship to sustain action : Reversing the Devolution of Care?".  To be presented at the 2016 Academy of Management Annual Teaching and Learning conference, on Sunday, August 7th in Anaheim, California.

Contemporary Media

Title Publication Date URL
Changing Mindsets and Behaviours in Organisations - and Cities Global Network for Advanced Management
Eskom crisis creates new opportunities for businesses News24 9/03/2015
Crisis at parastatals is a golden chance for change
Sunday Times: Business Time

MakeChange: Think like a designer 22/12/2014
How innovation can help companies in a turbulent global economy The conversation 1/3/2016