Assoc Prof Camille Meyer

Assoc Prof Camille Meyer

Social Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability

POSITION: EMBA Programme Director
QUALIFICATIONS: PhD Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management | Master of International and Development Studies | Master of European Studies | Bachelor of Latin Languages and Literature
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Assoc Prof Camille Meyer

Dr Camille Meyer is Associate Professor in Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship and the Director of the Executive MBA at the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business. His teaching and research adopt an interdisciplinary perspective to shed light on entrepreneurial, financial and ethical processes involved in the management of social innovations and natural resources. This perspective considers new approaches to business such as developing new financial models, social innovations, collaborative management and stakeholder partnerships.

Camille’s scholarship investigates the governance and management of commons in a diversity of contexts, including knowledge commons, land commons, urban commons and financial commons. His work has been published in different academic journals, including Academy of Management Discoveries, Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of International Business Studies, Organization Studies, Research Policy and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. He is on the Editorial Review Board of Journal of Business Ethics.

He holds a PhD in Economics and Management from the Free University of Brussels (ULB, Belgium), Solvay Brussels School, Centre for European Research in Microfinance, and was Post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Victoria (Canada), Peter B. Gustavson School of Business, Centre for Social and Sustainable Innovation.