Dr Minga Kongo
Dr Minga Mbweck Kongo
Minga Mbweck Kongo is an anthropologist and a senior lecturer at the UCT Graduate School of Business. He has research interests in water sociality, Sustainability, resilience, mobility, urbanism, illness and climate change.
He holds a BSc in Biomedical Science, an Honours degree in Social Anthropology, and a Master’s in African Studies. His PhD degree research focuses on how inequalities related to access to water in Cape Town, with a focus on Khayelitsha, are produced by inequitable development patterns.
Kongo has published numerous book chapters on SDGs, identity politics, and resilience, including op-eds. He is the author of Asinamanzi: Fluid Realities – Exploring South Africa's Water Crisis and Social Dynamics with Langaa RPCID, a contemporary ethnographic exploration of the politics of water in South Africa. Kongo is working on an autoethnographic account of car guarding in South Africa as a second book project.