Ms Mary Lister
Ms Mary Lister
Mary Lister is a highly experienced information services librarian dedicated to information access and education of library users.
Now Library Manager, Lister started her career as a Reference and Information Services Librarian at UCT where she worked in the Engineering and Sciences Library and then the Humanities Section. After a sojourn at the National Library, she returned to UCT to develop their first libraries website, training and interacting with faculty and students to facilitate better access to information. While in this position, Lister was also responsible for co-ordinating the smooth functioning of the online training facility, Ulwazi. Lister went on to spend several years as a junior school librarian, where her portfolio extended to school marketing and IT support, before joining the UCT GSB Library as Library Manager.
Lister holds a Higher Diploma in Library and Information Science from UCT, a Postgraduate Diploma in School Media Studies from UNISA, a Higher Diploma in Education, and a c from UCT.