ARTICLES ON Health systems

Breaking point for South Africa’s youth
COVID-19 has exacerbated the pressures on the mental health of young people; we have to intervene now if we are to avert a national disaster.
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COVID-19 vaccination is the social justice challenge of our time
The first COVID-19 vaccines have arrived in South Africa amid much fanfare — drowning out the voices of those asking why we are paying double for them in the first place and why they are unlikely to help those who need them most.
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We need to mobilise communities in the global fight against coronavirus
While scientists and big pharma work on vaccines, innovations and solutions developed at the community level will be key to slowing the spread of the virus.
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Improving healthcare in remote areas of Africa requires radical collaboration
While there are many innovative healthcare initiatives working to improve healthcare in rural Africa, the reality is that no one organisation can go it alone. Radical collaboration between organisations and with governments is needed to overhaul the system.
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