ARTICLES ON Energy security

5 Future Power Trends for South Africa and the World
In a recent interview with the Daily Maverick, emeritus professor in the Power Futures Lab at the UCT GSB, Anton Eberhard, outlined a clear and viable path forward for South Africa’s energy transition by highlighting five key trends shaping the future of energy in South Africa and beyond. Between a balanced power supply mix to the burgeoning potential of private investment, the future could look bright of the right decisions are taken at the right time.
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Three scenarios for South Africa’s energy crisis: the good, the bad and the likely
South African businesses can be forgiven for feeling like they’re in a movie where the actors are on strike, the script has been lost, and the director has left the set. What are the good, the bad and the likely scenarios for our country’s dire energy situation? We asked the Power Futures Lab (PFL) at UCT’s Graduate School of Business to offer an expert view on where we might be heading.
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Environment emergency overtakes technological advancement as the most significant challenge to global business
CEMS alumni survey reveals that 43% of professionals now believe that the environmental emergency is the biggest challenge international business leaders will need to tackle in the 21st century, well ahead of technology (27%).
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Ministers are holding up energy reforms, keeping SA in the dark
A trillian rand needs to be invested in new power in South Africa over the next decade in order to restore energy security. Opening up the electricity sector to massive flows of private investment in generation capacity is now our only option, but key enabling reforms still have to be enacted.
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Rebuilding the SA economy more sustainably — and for greater impact
COVID-19 has devastated the economy, but it has also opened a window of opportunity for businesses to integrate smarter and more sustainable solutions into their day-to-day operations as they rebuild for the long-term.
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Vaccine roll-out woes put spotlight back on Africa’s power crisis
As African countries scramble to acquire and roll-out vaccines across the continent, the urgent need for reliable energy supply is once again in the spotlight.
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New coal and nuclear power proposals undermine prospects of a post-Covid-19 economic recovery
The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy’s attachment to ‘clean coal’ and new nuclear as immediate options for a post-Covid-19 economic recovery would be comical if they were not financially ruinous. Their fixation on these non-competitive, non-commercial technologies is now wasting scarce public resources.
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Q&A with Siwe Kuse about the Open Africa Power programme
Siwe Kuse, a researcher at the Power Futures Lab spoke with Cape Talk's Kieno Kammies about being a fellow on the Open Africa Power (OAP) Programme, an education initiative co-hosted hosted by the UCT GSB in partnership with Enel Foundation and the Nelson Mandela Foundation.
Read ArticleEnel Foundation and UCT GSB host energy training in SA in celebration of Nelson Mandela
Enel Foundation, together with the UCT GSB as host, has inaugurated the third edition of Open Africa Power (OAP), aimed at empowering a new generation of leaders to drive Africa’s clean energy transition.
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Time is running out if we want to fix SA’s power crisis
Eskom’s new CEO Andre de Ruyter says it will take time to solve the South Africa energy situation. But as a new CSIR report chillingly points out - time is not on our side.
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Back to blackouts: SA's energy problems just the tip of the iceberg
Public-Private Partnerships, access to financing and targeted skills development will be crucial in addressing Africa’s chronic power shortage.
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