UCT GSB Press Office
Alumni Relations Dept
Kumeshnee West
Executive Education Director
Babar Dharani
Senior Lecturer
Kurt April
Allan Gray Chair
Mignon Reyneke
Deputy Director : Partnerships
John Luiz
Athol Williams
Senior Lecturer
Azvir Rampursad
Corporate Partnerships Manager
Kosheek Sewchurran
Associate Professor
Jonathan Steyn
Business and Marketing Strategist
Sean Gossel
Deputy Director : Curriculum
Wikus Kruger
Director: Power Futures Lab
Beverly Shrand
CEMS Academic Director | Senior Lecturer
Camaren Peter
Associate Professor
Geoff Bick
Emeritus Professor
Hamieda Parker
Katusha De Villiers
Acting Senior Manager Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Mikael Samuelsson
Natasha Dinham
Natasha Dinham
Ncedisa Nkonyeni
Social Systems Innovation Lead
Ralph Hamann
Deputy Director : Faculty and Research
Sabine Lehmann
Sharron McPherson
Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Shiela Yabo
Programme Manager at UCT GSB Solution Space
Shivani Ghai
Solange Rosa
Director, Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Thomas Koelble
Anton Eberhard
Founder: Power Futures Lab
Badri Zolfaghari
Senior Lecturer
Francois  Bonnici
Adjunct Associate Professor
Herman Singh
Adjunct Professor
Mark Graham
Associate Professor
Mzoxolo Gulwa
Founder and CEO, PurpleGrowth| Professional Speaker & Lecturer
Nicholas Biekpe
Rayner Canning
Business Development Director
Tim London
Head of Organisational Innovation | Senior Lecturer
Veronica Royston
Barry Panulo
Senior Project Manager
Barry Standish
Director and partner - StratEcon
Camille Meyer
EMBA Programme Director
Catherine Constantinides
Bertha Scholar
Christina Opperman-Swart
Senior Lecturer
Craig OFlaherty
Cynthia Rayner
Adjunct Lecturer
David Korten
Teacher, institutional systems analyst, environmentalist, activist, and author
Elanca Shelley
PGDip Management Practice Programme Convenor
Elvis Sekhaolelo
Founding CEO - eKasi Entrepreneurs and Township ACCESS
Farhana Parker
Founder-The Social Makeover and WEF Global Shaper
Jenny Boxall
Business developer and adult education practitioner
Johannes Schueler
Senior Lecturer
Julia Woods Price
Executive at Linea Capital
Louise Albertyn
Bertha Centre Education Advisor
Misheck Mutize
Postdoctoral researcher and UCT GSB PhD alumnus
Mundia Kabinga
Senior Lecturer
Raymond Van Niekerk
Adjunct Professor
Thanti  Mthanti
Senior Lecturer
Warren Nilsson
Associate Professor
Xolisa Dhlamini