ARTICLES BY Athol Williams
This Freedom Day let’s commit to the change that enhances the freedom for all
On Freedom Day this year, the national lockdown and response to the COVID-19 pandemic, are holding up a mirror to society and forcing us to confront our faults and weaknesses.
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Could the Covid-19 crisis offer us a window of opportunity to build social cohesion?
A national disaster declared on top of a technical recession and a standoff between the ANC and its alliance partners means that we can expect the SA economy will remain in a downward cycle for the foreseeable future — our only hope lies in building social cohesion in the face of crisis.
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More broken promises and unmet plans will not deliver the country we need
Ramaphosa has little room to manoeuvre, it’s true. But without bold leadership at this juncture, SA is on the road to nowhere.
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Believe it or not, the economy is not the biggest of our concerns in South Africa
South Africa has a fractured past, that we cannot deny, and divisions have always been an everyday part of life here. But these days, our differences are threatening to tear us apart.
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Business as usual won't fix youth unemployment, poverty and inequality
Young people are growing tired of vague targets and empty promises made by successive governments since 1994. Now we need decisive leadership and quick action to drive change.
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