ARTICLES BY Thomas Koelble

Trust and Governance: why trust is key to economic performance
Trust greatly reduces transaction costs within an economy and society. Just as a functional health care system will produce healthy citizens, trustworthy governing officials help to create trustworthy citizens.
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The lack of economic complexity is South Africa’s real economic problem
South Africa needs to build a resilient and productive economy that fosters rapid learning, adaptation to new conditions, technological innovation, and the expansion of goods and services to an ever-widening group of products. And this can only happen with the assistance of the state rather than despite it.
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Is support for democracy in SA waning?
On 27 April each year South Africans celebrate Freedom Day in commemoration of the first democratic elections in 1994. We asked UCT GSB Professor Thomas Koelble to give us his thoughts on whether support for democracy in the country is waning, and how this system is being affected by globalisation.
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