Never mind a wealth tax, South Africa needs a corruption tax on companies that collude in State Capture
Without private sector collusion, South Africa’s numerous corruption scandals would have been near impossible. A corruption tax on private sector companies complicit in corrupt activities should be introduced.
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Mboweni says he has hope, but without critical reforms this is likely to fade fast
Even before the onset of the health crisis, SA’s economy was already hurtling toward disaster. But the move to zero-based budgeting and limiting endless SOE bailouts provide possible silver linings.
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Could the Covid-19 crisis offer us a window of opportunity to build social cohesion?
A national disaster declared on top of a technical recession and a standoff between the ANC and its alliance partners means that we can expect the SA economy will remain in a downward cycle for the foreseeable future — our only hope lies in building social cohesion in the face of crisis.
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Mboweni's 2020 budget speech draws the battle lines
With the economy on its knees, government’s latest budget speech expects unionised labour to share the pain. If history is a guide, the plan is unlikely to yield the desired results.
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