Addressing the lack of JEDI in the workplace
The South African workplace remains a very complex space. To bring about a change in workplace culture and organisational orientations, we may need to consider new approaches. Recent research from the UCT GSB has highlighted several practices that organisations can implement to help address the lack of justice, equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
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Here’s why black millennial women are leaving your organisation
New research digs into the deep frustration causing many African millennial women to call it a day at the office.
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Making space for Buddha in the boardroom
A new study shows that by staying true to the founding principles of the Buddhist meditation technique known as mindfulness, business leaders can reimagine not just how they work, but also how to build stronger relationships in the workplace.
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SA needs leaders who are willing to step out of their comfort zones
As the country plunges deeper into an economic and humanitarian crisis fuelled by the COVID-19 pandemic, we will need steward leaders who are accountable and focused on assisting their communities — and each of us can rise to the challenge.
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The future of work: implications for management education
Does management education need to change to equip graduates for the future of work?
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Human Rights in the South African Workplace: From Fighting Apartheid to Tackling Exclusion
South African organisations have made great strides in achieving more diversity and transformation. However, too many people still feel excluded in workplaces.
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Great leaders are made in times of crises; who will step up?
The COVID-19 crisis is giving leaders everywhere a test of unimaginable proportions. Right now we need calm, agile and decisive people at the helm across all sectors to ensure that we survive and go on to thrive again - and President Ramaphosa is setting a good example.
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