ARTICLES BY Kosheek Sewchurran

Can we risk our society’s future on a system that produces the leadership we experience?
The events of the past two weeks have brought into sharp focus the devastating results of selecting leaders based on popularity over other criteria. To avoid shipwrecking our country, it’s time to design a better system of stewarding our collective needs.
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We need leaders and managers who have the skills and moral compass to build a just world
We need leaders and managers who have the skills and moral compass to build a just world
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Can business leaders ignite change in a world that is overdue a great reset?
The thinking that has informed business leadership will not see us through the present challenges we face. To remake the world we need to recognise the deficiencies in leadership we experience and change how we train future leaders.
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Why we should trust subtlety over the posturing of a heroic leader
Emotionally intelligent leaders will be crucial in helping us to navigate through the COVID-19 crisis and the fallout from the US election chaos.
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Leaders are not born or made, they are honed through practice and reflection
In times of crisis, the need for good leadership is paramount, but how can we develop more leaders who are able to meet the moment with wisdom and compassion?
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