Insights from Zimbabwe on how to link formal and informal economies
Government alone will not be able to bridge the gaping chasm between South Africa’s formal and informal economies. There are innovative intermediaries better suited to the task – but government must play a key enabling role to allow them to do what they do best.
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The war in Ukraine and its broader implications for the international green energy transition
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has highlighted the importance of energy politics in international relations and resulted in calls to accelerate the green transition to reduce fossil fuel dependencies. However, the strategic importance of Ukraine's natural resource wealth, particularly as it relates to Europe's energy- and resource-independence in coming decades, is being overlooked both as a potential contributory factor to the war in Ukraine and in terms of its long-term implications.
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Why inequality persists: How institutions and organizations reproduce inequality
The continued institutional reproduction of inequality is a matter of growing concern in vast parts of the world.
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Q&A with John Luiz on the future of globalisation
The extraordinary spread of the Covid-19 virus over the past year has highlighted various vulnerabilities associated with globalisation. We asked the UCT GSB's Prof John Luiz for his views on the future of this model.
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The globalisation of an epidemic and the epidemic of globalisation
COVID-19 respects no borders and has laid bare some of the vulnerabilities of globalisation. Going forward, we need to look more deeply at how to build a world that protects global supply chains more effectively — and the all people that depend upon them.
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Brexit crisis offers key lessons and opportunities for Africa
The lessons of Brexit warn us that unless the benefits of economic integration are understood - are experienced - by the average African citizen, Africa’s Continental Free Trade Area initiative is doomed to failure.
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