ARTICLES BY Azvir Rampursad

More purpose, more flexibility, more empathy – what’s really driving ‘The Great Resignation’?
The record number of people leaving their jobs in 2021, mainly in the US, has given rise to the term ‘The Great Resignation’ or ‘The Big Quit’. We asked the UCT GSB's Azvir Rampursad and Rayner Canning for their insights into this trend.
Read ArticleWhat's your people strategy for 2021?
Remember the days when you shook hands enthusiastically with clients and colleagues just before sitting down together at the meeting table? Sharing pens to scribble down ideas during a brainstorming or team building session?
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Advancing your career in the gig economy
What if lifelong employment never existed? What if the only work available to everyone in every industry was short-term contract work? How would you have approached your career in that world? These are important questions to ask because this is the world we are moving towards.
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How to get ahead while working from home
Just because you’re working from home these days doesn’t mean your career needs to stagnate. There are many things you can do to stay productive and make the most of these extraordinary times.
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Q&A with Azvir Rampursad: How to make yourself more employable
With unemployment at an all-time high in South Africa, even graduates are struggling to find jobs. Talent Strategy & Leadership Development specialst, Azvir Rampursad, says employers are looking for very specific skill-sets in new hires.
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