ARTICLES BY Babar Dharani

Poetic licence to lead through challenging times
With employees stressed, business leaders worried, and mental health challenges skyrocketing, conventional approaches to preparing leaders for the business world may not be enough. The foundational role of the leader as communicator is more important than ever – and poetry could unlock the deeper self-awareness and connection needed to lead through ambiguity.
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Four sure ways to promote diversity at top levels
Researchers from the UCT Graduate School of Business asked black South African men and women what needs to change in the workplace to encourage them to apply for top jobs, here’s what they said.
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The grass isn’t always greener in the home office
Working from home has been a blessing for some but brought new demands and strains for others — including a rise in mental health issues. Now, as millions of people start to trickle back to more formal workplaces, is an opportune time for employees to take ownership of their happiness at work.
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Human Rights in the South African Workplace: From Fighting Apartheid to Tackling Exclusion
South African organisations have made great strides in achieving more diversity and transformation. However, too many people still feel excluded in workplaces.
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Q&A with Dr Babar Dharani on the secret to happy employees
Whether it’s chasing higher pay or finding a working environment to suit your personality type, what is it that keeps people happy at work?
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Disruption in the diamond industry
Technological innovation and dramatic changes in consumer preferences are disrupting the diamond industry, and this has serious implications for job security in Africa.
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Do we really need another hero?
The rise of the hero leader around the world — strongmen who promise to be able to rescue their followers from difficult circumstances — is driving a wedge between citizens and undermining democratic institutions.
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3 things to consider if you want to achieve both wealth and happiness
We’re often told that to pursue our dreams we may have to sacrifice wealth, but research is showing that the opposite is true.
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