UCT GSB Faculty
Driving research and teaching at the UCT GSB and beyond.
Associate Faculty

Associate Faculty
François Bonnici is physician, professor and currently the Director of the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, and Head of Social Innovation at the World Economic Forum.
Associate Faculty
Janine Ahlers is a certified Integral Coach® and Academic Director of the Centre for Coaching situated at the UCT GSB.
Associate Faculty
Dr Rene Albertus an inter-disciplinary lecturer focusing on Information Systems Management and Business Process Modelling, Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative, Accounting and Finance and Corporate Governance.
Associate Faculty
Abdul Latif Alhassan (PhD) is a Professor of Development Finance and Insurance at the Development Finance Centre (DEFIC), University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business, Cape Town.
Associate Faculty
Professor Kurt April is the Allan Gray Chair, an Endowed Professorship, and Director of the Allan Gray Centre for Values-Based Leadership, specialising in Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Cape Town's Graduate School of Business (South Africa, 1998-present), Adjunct Faculty at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford (UK, 2001-present), and is an Orchestrator and Faculty member of Duke Corporate Education, Duke University (USA, 2008-present).
Associate Faculty
Jess Auerbach is an NRF-rated anthropologist whose research explores narrative, digital connectivity, sensory experience, communication and education futures.
Associate Faculty
Walter Baets is Emeritus Professor at the UCT GSB and Dean of "the camp", an innovation campus in Aix en Provence, France.
Associate Faculty
Professor Geoff Bick has been an emeritus professor at the UCT GSB since 2018.
Associate Faculty
Emeritus Professor Nicholas Biekpe is an Emeritus Professor at UCT Graduate School of Business.
Associate Faculty
Wayne is the Founder and Chief Executive of The Decision Advisory Group, which focuses on helping companies create more value by making better strategic decisions.
Associate Faculty
Dr Richard Chivaka is an Associate Professor of Business Strategy & Supply Chain Management at the UCT GSB where he has taught business strategy on the MBA programme, as well as on the Associate in Management (AIM) and Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (PDBA).
Associate Faculty
Babar Dharani is a Business Finance Professional (BFP) and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ACA).
Associate Faculty
Catherine Duggan is Director (Dean) of the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business (GSB).
Associate Faculty
Anton Eberhard is a Professor Emeritus and Senior Scholar at UCT where he leads the advisory board at the Power Futures Lab at the GSB.
Associate Faculty
Cécile is a senior lecturer at UCT's Graduate School of Business, teaching and researching how individuals, organisations and institutions work to promote a more just, sustainable, and inclusive socio-economic system.
Associate Faculty
Dr Caitlin Ferreira is an Associate Professor specialising in Marketing as well as the Modular MBA Programme Director.
Associate Faculty
Professor Sean Gossel is the Deputy Director: Curriculum at the UCT GSB.
Associate Faculty
Martin Hall is Emeritus Professor at the UCT GSB and Digital Advisor for Henley Business School.
Associate Faculty
Ralph is a professor at the UCT Graduate School of Business and works on business sustainability and social innovation and entrepreneurship.

Associate Faculty
Associate Professor Mlenga Jere teaches marketing on various programmes since joining the UCT GSB in 2007 and has extensive experience teaching marketing courses at both postgraduate and undergraduate levels at different universities and countries.
Associate Faculty
Dr Mundia Kabinga is a senior lecturer in infrastructure finance and strategy in the UCT GSB, and co-editor for the Oxford University Press (OUP) Handbook on the Zambian Economy.
Associate Faculty
Dr Linda Kantor is an adjunct senior lecturer at the UCT GSB where she teaches a compulsory mindfulness leadership programme to the EMBA students.
Associate Faculty
Professor Thomas Koelble convenes the Business, Government and Society course at the UCT GSB, designed to assist students in understanding the broader context within which businesses in emerging markets operate.
Associate Faculty
Steven Kuo is an adjunct senior lecturer at the UCT GSB and Key Account Manager at Barloworld Equipment, responsible for Chinese customers in both resource and construction industries across Southern Africa.
Associate Faculty
Sean Lewis is a Guest Lecturer on the Executive MBA programme.
Associate Faculty
John Luiz is a Professor of International Management and Strategy at the University of Sussex Business School in the UK, and at the Graduate School of Business at the University of Cape Town, specialising in International Business Strategy; Business, Society, and Government; Institutions and Emerging Markets.
Associate Faculty
Dr David Makovah is the CEO and founder of Mr-Mak Learning - this digital first education business conducts professional training interventions in business in Africa broadly and including leadership, management, capital markets, credit, finance, economics, and related areas.
Associate Faculty
Phathizwe Malinga is the Managing Director of SqwidNet, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dark Fibre Africa.
Associate Faculty
Jennifer McDonogh has almost completed her PhD at the GSB.
Associate Faculty
Sharron McPherson is an adjunct senior lecturer at the UCT GSB where she lectures project finance on the MBA programme.
Associate Faculty
Dr Camille Meyer is Associate Professor in Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship and the Director of the Executive MBA at the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business.
Associate Faculty
Dr Makgathi Mokwena is an adjunct professor at the UCT GSB and co-convenes the school’s executive education programme, Developing Women in Leadership.
Associate Faculty
Thanti Mthanti is a senior lecturer at the UCT GSB, he holds a PhD (Finance) from Wits and is also one of a handful of Professional Risk Manager (PRM™) charter holders in South Africa.
Associate Faculty
Associate Professor Janine Mukuddem-Petersen has served as a practitioner and an academic with teaching-learning, research and management duties.
Associate Faculty
Warren Nilsson is an Associate Professor of Social Innovation at the UCT GSB, where he also serves as the Academic Director of the MPhil in Inclusive Innovation programme.
Associate Faculty
Phumlani is a development economist and entrepreneurship development specialist operating in complex African cities to inspire new venture creations needed for net new jobs.
Associate Faculty
Gayle Northrop is Adjunct Faculty at the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business (UCT GSB), faculty at UCLA Anderson School of Management in Los Angeles, and President of Northrop Nonprofit Consulting, a firm specialising in strategic planning, organisational development and leadership development for nonprofits and social enterprises worldwide.
Associate Faculty
Marlon Parker is an adjunct professor at the UCT GSB and the founder the Reconstructed Living Lab (RLabs), a global movement that has inspired replication of the model in 23 countries and impacted more than 10 million people since its inception.
Associate Faculty
Professor Hamieda Parker lectures the Operations Management core course and the Global Supply Chain Management elective course on the MBA programme.
Associate Faculty
Aunnie Patton Power is the founder of Intelligent Impact, a technology for social impact advisory firm, and a university lecturer on Innovative Finance, Impact Investing and Technology for Impact.
Associate Faculty
Dr Camaren Peter (PhD) is an Associate Professor at the Allan Gray Centre for Values-Based Leadership at the UCT GSB.
Associate Faculty
Dr Kutlwano Ramaboa is an Associate Professor at the UCT GSB.
Associate Faculty
Cynthia Rayner works with social purpose organizations and funders as a consultant, researcher, and co-learner.
Associate Faculty
Prof Rasoava Rijamampianina has orchestrated and taught on various local and international programmes at leading institutions in South Africa, Ghana, Japan, USA, France, UK, Madagascar and Mauritius.
Associate Faculty
Elaine Rumboll is an adjunct senior lecturer at the UCT GSB.
Associate Faculty
Tom Ryan is an emeritus associate professor at the UCT GSB.
Associate Faculty
Professor Mikael Samuelsson has been involved in award winning research, consultancy work and training of entrepreneurs since 1998.
Associate Faculty
Professor Rickard Sandberg is the head of Center for Data Analytics at the Stockholm School of Economics (Sweden).
Associate Faculty
Johannes Schueler is a senior lecturer at the UCT GSB and facilitates the Innovation & Entrepreneurship core course as well as the Planning New Ventures elective on the MBA programme.
Associate Faculty
Professor Kosheek Sewchurran is primarily interested in organising practices and research that acknowledge the realities of a lived-experience.
Associate Faculty
Reshaad Sha is the CEO of BriteGaze and BriteGaze FUND ONE.
Associate Faculty
Dr Elanca Shelley is a senior lecturer and academic coordinator for management development programmes at the certificate and postgraduate diploma level.
Associate Faculty
Grant Sieff is an adjunct associate professor at the UCT GSB, a visiting professor at Rhodes Business School and teaches at business schools in South Africa and Europe.
Associate Faculty
Professor Herman Singh is an adjunct professor at the UCT GSB and the CEO of Future Advisory, an international firm specialising in digital transformation projects in corporates, and startup acceleration.
Associate Faculty
Cordi is an experienced executive in the Financial Services Industry.
Associate Faculty
Dr Gary van Vuuren is an adjunct associate professor at the UCT GSB.
Associate Faculty
Mohan is a member of the Development Bank of Southern Africa’s (DBSA) Group Executive Committee, with accountability for pan-African deal origination/client management.
Associate Faculty
Dr Allistair Witten is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the UCT GSB’s Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Associate Faculty
Badri Zolfaghari is a senior lecturer in organizational behaviour and an associate of the Allan Gray Centre for Values-Based Leadership at the University of Cape Town, Graduate School of Business.