EMBA Programme Term Dates

EMBA Block Dates 2025 / 2026

Course Dates Delivery Method
Course 1 17 - 31 January 2025 In-person
Course 2 12 - 23 May 2025 Hybrid
Course 3 1 - 12 September 2025 Hybrid
Course 4 16 - 27 February 2026
Course 5 15 - 26 June 2026

EMBA Programme Format & Delivery

Five courses and a research report

The MBA specialising in Executive management practice is a rigorous modular programme which is taken over two years. The programme covers five compulsory core courses and students deliver a research report.

Students attend classes at the UCT GSB Breakwater campus in Cape Town three times during the first year and twice in the second year.  The courses consist of 2 weeks including weekends (14 days) per course. The first year : Course 1 starts mid January, Course 2 in June and Course 3 at the end of September – October. Second year course 4 starts in mid February and Course 5 in May.  Lectures are structured to cover conversations of excellence in executive performance in the areas discussed in each course keeping the learning relevant.


This programme is broken down into 5 main blocks spreading over a two year cycle.

Year 1:
Course 1
Year 1:
Course 2
Year 1:
Course 3
Year 2:
Course 4
Year 2:
Course 5
Year 2:
Research Report
JanuaryJuneSeptember / OctoberFebruaryMayJune - December
Systemic Executive PracticeManaging for Shareholder ValueManaging for Customer ValueDesigning Sustainable Business ModelsManaging for Societal ValueResearch Report
Inter-modular sessions with an assign qualified coachInter-modular sessions with an assign qualified coachInter-modular sessions with an assign qualified coachInter-modular sessions with an assign qualified coachMeeting with supervisorsCompletion of a 55-credit Research Report

*Please note: Course designs are updated and adapted annually, therefore the topics listed for each course are a guideline as to what students can expect will be covered on each course.


Before arriving for the contact sessions at the GSB, students are expected to read all prescribed material.


Students are required to attend and fully participate in all contact sessions at the GSB during the five block periods. The lectures are designed to facilitate interactions and knowledge sharing among students to draw on the diverse experiences of the student profile and enrich the theoretical and practical insights provided by the lecturer. 

During block sessions, students are allocated into syndicate groups and rooms for after-lecture discussions during evenings.


There are assessments for each course, made up of a reflective paper/ position paper / development plan in course 5 and other group and individual assignments.